Don’t Despair
“Rise up, let us go. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.” – Mark 14:42
The disciples had sadly failed in one great duty: they had slept when the Master wanted them to watch with Him in prayer.
He had just told them that they might as well sleep on so far as that particular service was concerned, for the time to render it was gone forever.
Yet there were other duties before them, and Jesus calls them to arise to meet these!
Because they had failed in one hour’s responsibility they must not because of that sink down in despair. They must arouse themselves to meet the responsibility before them.
The lesson is clear, even when we have failed in one duty we must not give up in despair.
Even when a lot of time has been wasted, you should not, therefore, lose heart and think all is lost.
There are other opportunities ahead.
Though the lost time is irreplaceable, yet why should you squander more time by spending it in despair? The morning may be lost but why should all the day be also lost?
This is for all who have failed in any way. Jesus Christ is calling us to hope, to rise again from the worst defeat. In the kingdom of grace, there is always margin enough to start again and to build up a better life. Even down to life’s latest hour this remains true.
The door of opportunity opened to the repentant nan on the cross in his dying hour even though there was no time to make anything good or beautiful of his life on the earth, except for his dying confession and testimony; but the eternity into which he passed is very long, with enough time for a glorious future. So it is always. In this world, with God’s love and grace, there is never any need for despair.
The call after any defeat or failure still is, “Rise up, let us go.”