Take It To Jesus
“John, calling to himself two of his disciples, sent them to Jesus, saying, “Are you the one who is coming, or should we look for another?” – Luke 7:19
John the Baptist was perplexed about some issues at this time in his life. He must have been so bothered that he had to send to Christ to ask Him about them, and that is just what every one of us should do when we are perplexed about anything in our lives – we should carry them straight to Jesus.
So the true way for us is just to do what John did – tell Jesus whenever anything appears to go wrong or when anything happens we cannot understand.
This is the rule Paul gives for keeping clear of anxiety; “Be careful [or anxious] for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Then He promises that if we only do this we shall never have worry – “The peace of God shall keep your hearts and minds.”
The meaning of all this is that we should never carry a worry of any kind even for a moment, but whenever any matter begins to perplex us we should go instantly and tell Jesus all about it, and leave it in His hands, that He may manage it for us.
The leaving it is the hardest part. We can easily take it to Him, but we are so quick to pick it up again and carry it back with us, and keep it, just as if we had not taken it to Him. We should learn to tell Jesus of our perplexities and issues and then commit all to Him without further anxiety.
This is faith, and is the way to find peace.