Listen To Him
“Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:21
There is this story about a group of friends who were on a mountaintop and were discussing which direction to go. One man said, ‘That’s south!’ Another countered, ‘No, that’s east.’ Everybody had differing opinions until finally someone produced a compass and said, ‘We can settle this real fast.’ Within seconds the compass confirmed they were, in fact, facing west!
The only reliable source had the final say, and nobody was able to argue with it.
Everyday, many voices vie for your attention, and some so-called ‘experts’ can be dead wrong.
Bottom line: you need to know which voice to listen to, because if you look only at your circumstances, you will become disoriented. An unexpected phone call, a floundering relationship, a problematic job, or an illness can make north look like south and east look like west. When that happens, it’s easy to lose your bearings, jump to conclusions, and end up on the wrong path.
The Bible says, ‘Whether you turn… right or left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”’ There is only one true source of wisdom and truth, and Peter recognised that when he asked, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’ John 6:68.
You don’t need to know every detail in advance; that’s not how God works. Often, He doesn’t show us the big picture because we would be overwhelmed and think it was impossible. He wants to develop in you an unshakeable trust in His character and goodness; an acceptance that in order to fulfil His plan, you must depend on His strength.