Believe And Speak
“And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak.’
– 2 Corinthians 4:13
It is so important to know and believe the Word of God in your heart, however, this is not enough.
The power of belief is actualised by speaking out. That is when it creates a manifestation.
When our Lord Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He did not merely think about Scripture. He spoke it out loud.
You may know thousands of Scriptures by heart, but if you don’t release the Word, there will be no manifestation.
God’s power is there, but it is all lying dormant inside of you. The moment you speak it out, it is as if God is speaking.
The world and its systems are subject to the word of God. Not just the written word, but the word of God that you declare. As children of God, we ought to be like our Father, we ought to speak and declare God’s counsel with boldness and authority.
Your tongue bears words that have the power to create and make things happen, use it to build righteousness and destroy evil. Use it to create pathways of prosperity and to bring down the systems of satan.
Continue to declare the counsel and word of God over your life, community, and nation.
We believe and therefore we speak.