Look And Live
‘ Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” ‘ John 3:14-15
At a point on the journey to the promised land, the Israelites sinned. Then, God instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent and hoist it way up in the air such that “any who was bitten may look up at the bronze serpent and live” Numbers 21:8.
Its an unusual prescription, for there is no logical correlation between looking at a hoisted bronze serpent and healing from a snakebite. But it was a symbolic and prophetic prescription.
Jesus referred to this event in John 3:14, revealing that the hoisted bronze serpent was a “type” of His death and sacrifice on the cross. This is revealing clearly that obedient faith, not logic or explanatory science would be the key to drawing all the treasures made available in God (salvation, healing, prosperity, and deliverance!)
Jesus by his execution by crucifixion on the cross became the “City on the hill that cannot be hidden” (Matt 5:14).
Of Himself, He spoke, saying, “When I am lifted (hoisted) up (as the serpent was) from the earth, I will attract all nations to me” (John 12:32).
He died so He can attract ALL to Himself, you and I inclusive. When he was on earth, everyone who had encountered Him was attracted to Him. He freely healed, fed, and blessed the people.
Don’t ever think you need to do anything “extraordinary” to earn your total salvation. Not at all! All you need do is to look steadfastly to Jesus, at all times, in all circumstances. Keep your eyes on Him.
He was hoisted up, in gruesome pain and deep anguish, lifted high up, naked, ligaments torn, so that you and I may see Him and be restored to God and our true identity.
So, steadily and steadfastly “…LOOK unto Jesus…the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb 12:2), and LIVE free of guilt, shame, and regrets of sin. In Christ is all you need for life and godliness.