A Second Touch
“Jesus took the blind man by the hand, led him out of the village, then He spit on the man’s eyes and placed His hands on him. “Can you see anything?” He asked. The man looked up and said, “I can see people, but they look like trees. Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again, and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.” Mark 8:23-25
In this story, some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. And noticeably, Jesus led him out of town and laid his hands on him, not once, but twice before his eyesight was fully restored.
Jesus was well aware of the state of his faith and what needs to be done to cause it to grow. He caused the man to be with him as they walked out of the town. It is often in this time of fellowship with Jesus that we experience fully His healing touch.
It is not enough to come to Jesus for a miracle, we need the time with him. We need to know him and see him clearly, not just like a tree that we merely need to pluck miracles off him.
Jesus knows our hurts and meets us where we are at, and then he leads us in fellowship with him to a place of complete redemption. He will not stretch our faith more than we can handle but will tend to our wounds as He reveals more of Himself to us. We will get to know him not just as our provider, but as Emmanuel – God with us, not just as our healer but as our All in All.
And if at first, our needs are not fully met and we still see men as trees, we only need to continue in fellowship with him, walking with him out of everything that has held us bound, and before long, we will receive his touch again. We will see clearly. Amen