Ancient Of Days
“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Psalm 90:2
We are often consumed by the events and circumstances of our daily lives and we can become so focused on what is happening in the present moment that we forget about the bigger picture.
But in Psalm 90:2, we are reminded that God is eternal and that He has been present since the very beginning of time.
One of the names that the Bible uses to describe God is the “Ancient of Days.”
This can be found in many places, especially Daniel 7:9. This name, emphasizes God’s eternal nature and His existence before time began.
Psalm 90:2 captures the essence of what it means that He is the Ancient of Days!
It reminds us that God has always been, and will always be, present in our lives.
Meditating on this verse and on the name “Ancient of Days,” we are reminded that God is not bound by time or space. He is above all things, and He has been present since the beginning of time.
This is a comforting thought, especially in times of uncertainty and change.
No matter what we may be facing in our lives, we can take comfort in the fact that God has always been present and will always be with us. His love and grace are eternal, and nothing can separate us from Him.
We should always remember that God is the “Ancient of Days” – the eternal God who has always been and always will be present in our lives. May we find peace and comfort in His presence, and may we trust in Him to guide us through all of life’s challenges as we worship Him, who is from everlasting to everlasting.
For in Him, we find our hope, our strength, and our eternal salvation.