Be Prepared
“I have finished the race.” 2 Timothy 4:7
When we read about the people God used to accomplish great things in the Bible, we discover that much of their time was spent preparing for what seems like a relatively brief assignment.
While it is easy to crave the limelight and longevity naturally, yet with God only one thing matters, and that is doing His will. When you can say like Paul, ‘I have finished the race,’ you have lived successfully.
And the truth is that God chooses only those who are prepared! Whatever God has called you to do, remember that opportunity comes to the prepared. This means that every experience in life has potential value.
The secret of success in life is to be ready for it when our time comes.’ And it’s not enough to simply get prepared; you must stay prepared.
Solomon writes, ‘Hold on to instruction… guard it well, for it is your life.’ Proverbs 4:13.
And preparation doesn’t start with what you do; it rather starts with what you believe. When you believe that tomorrow’s success depends on today’s preparation, you see today differently.
That’s why the Bible says it’s important to recognise ‘how short our lives really are so that we may be wise.’ Psalm 90:12