Do You Love Me?
“The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” John 21:17.
Jesus talked his beloved Peter through the process of healing. He said to Peter three times: “Do you love me?”
Surely Peter realized that Jesus was repeating himself three times in order to intentionally apply forgiveness to his three denials.
Jesus’ three commands to Peter (“Feed My lambs,” “Tend My sheep” and “Feed My sheep”) provided all the reassurance he needed.
Jesus had not disqualified him. Peter was not sent away as a failure. He was fully restored.
What is even more amazing is how the shaky, impetuous, insecure Peter was transformed after he was baptized in the Holy Spirit a few weeks later. This weak man who crumbled under pressure when His Master was arrested then preached not one, not two, but three important sermons in the opening chapters of the book of Acts.
Peter’s story is my story, and it is yours too.
We all need to know that the risen Savior is willing to welcome us back even when we have disappointed Him. He is faithful even when we are faithless.
There is a bit of Peter in all of us. We are weak in the face of temptation. We have dropped the ball too many times. We allowed fear to paralyze us. Maybe you have even kept a spiritual scorecard to remind yourself how many times you have missed it. You may have assumed God’s grace had reached its limit.
Yet the Easter story shows us otherwise. The same Christ who conquered the grave also conquered our sin and shame. The same Peter who denied knowing Jesus ended up being one of his boldest witnesses.
As you celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection Day this weekend, please remember that after Peter wept over his embarrassing failure, the sun came up and Jesus appeared on the shore with a meal prepared. He invited Peter to breakfast, and then lovingly restored his faith. Jesus can do the same for you, no matter how you have failed Him.