Faith In God’s Power
“so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.” 1 Corinthians 2:5
Elka was born around 1933, to the Wai Wai people. This tribe was located on the border of Brazil and Guyana in South America.
His father died shortly after his birth, and he was sold to his uncle.
As a young man, Elka marvelled at the power and authority of the local witch doctor, who could heal and curse.
Elka trained for 3 years and became a shaman.
But the coming of missionaries to Kanashen changed his spiritual beliefs.
As a witch doctor, he was imprisoned by fear until he heard the gospel from missionary brothers Neil and Bob Hawkins.
By the time this conversion happened, Elka was the Chief of his village. While at the beginning of his conversion, many disagreed and laughed at him, before long, many of the villagers followed him into the Christian faith when he did not die from forsaking the old spirits.
It is said that, “by 1962, the Wai Wai had gone on as many mission trips in as many different directions as a man had fingers and toes.”
Our faith must rest either in the Lord or it rests in something inferior.
Place all of your cares and concerns in Christ’s hands and have faith in Him.
“It is the heart that senses God, and not the reason. That is what faith is: God perceptible to the heart and not to reason.” – Blaise Pascal
“Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.” – Psalm 78:7