Good Addiction
“This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.” Titus 3:8
We, humans, are addictive creatures.
We always hear stories of addictions such as gambling, drinking, and using illegal drugs – which many of us have either never allowed ourselves to touch or been able to conquer at some point in our lives. But these are just a few of the many things to which we can become addicted.
For instance, the more we work and the more money and material things we acquire as a result – the more we want to work in order to purchase more of those things. The more television we watch, the more we don’t want to miss that next episode. The more we win at the leisurely games we enjoy, the more we want to play and win more at those games. The more we sleep, the more we want to sleep! The more we complain, the more we want to complain! The more we eat, the more we want to eat!
We even have support group meetings for our addictions, to which, if we are not careful, we can also become addicted! And there are countless other earthly examples we can probably add!
So what if we could switch our focus from majoring on our daily grind to majoring on the things of the Lord? Such that the more we pray and see God answer our prayers – the more we want to pray and see those victories! The more we share our faith and see people come to know the Lord through us – the more we want to share and see others come! The more we read the Word and gain wisdom for our lives and others’ lives – the more we want to read the Word and gain that kind of wisdom! The more we serve God and those around us- the more we want to serve them! And there are countless other heavenly examples we can probably add!
Let’s begin doing more of the things of the Lord and watch how they multiply! And we will experience more joy, peace, and contentment than we ever have!