He Calls Us Friends
“You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14
Jesus makes it clear that obedience to His commands is the key to a close and meaningful friendship with him.
It’s not enough to simply claim that we are friends with Jesus; our actions must reflect the depth of our love and commitment to Him. When we follow Jesus’ commands, we show that we trust Him, rely on Him, and want to live in close relationship with Him.
This kind of obedience leads to a deeper friendship with Jesus, as well as a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and joy in life.
By following Jesus’ commands, we can experience the true richness of friendship with the Lord and the fullness of joy that He offers.
If we truly love Him and are His friends, we will do what His word says. Even when it’s not popular and not what everyone else is doing.
To follow His word and commandments, we must know His word and His commandments. That will come from spending time in His word and asking the Holy Spirit to help us learn and understand what we are reading and how to apply it to our lives.
Read His word.
Obey His word.
Depend on Him to do His word.