His Rich Love For Us
“sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything” – 2 Corinthians 6:10
Michael Shannon shared the following: “Recently my wife and I were given use of two major league baseball tickets. Always glad to see a baseball game, we took the tickets and headed to the stadium. We noticed the tickets came with a free parking pass, but that only registered slightly.
As soon as we entered the stadium, I made my way to one of the few vendors where you can buy food for a dollar. So, I stood in a long line and came away proudly with my little dollar popcorn and my little dollar soft drink. We had trouble finding the number for our seat. Finally, we were pointed to an elevator.
We went up to the assigned section where we were met by two attendants who welcomed us and informed us all the food in the suite was complimentary. We turned the corner and saw a beautiful air-conditioned room with many kinds of food and drink. There were hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, barbeque, shrimp Alfredo, ice cream, etc. There were large windows facing the field and the outside of the stadium. We made it down to the seats where they were giving out free snacks. You actually could watch the game from the large room, an outdoor terrace or the actual assigned seats.
You can imagine how foolish I felt clutching my little bag of dollar popcorn and my cup of soda. I did not know the riches that were actually mine.
Many Christians do not know the riches that are available to them in Christ.”
We are made rich when we love Jesus and follow Him.
Praise the Lord that His love for us has made us rich.
“Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” – James 2:5