In His Steps
“It came to pass when the days were near that he should be taken up, he intently set his face to go to Jerusalem. Luke 9:51
We don’t always know exactly what life has in store for us but we do know with certainty that according to the word of God, He makes everything work together for our good and we should be grateful for this simple mercy in our lives.
In today’s verse, Jesus knew that the time was near for him to go to the cross, he knew the pain and the agony that lie ahead, yet he eagerly pressed on. He could not be held back.
He steadfastly set His face to go and moved His steps with an intense urgency to His journey, which He knew would lead Him to Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and Golgotha.
In this, as in all things, He left us an example: That we should follow His steps. It is in the same way that we should advance in the path of duty, no matter what the dangers, the sufferings, the sacrifices, that lie in our path provided it is in our loving father’s will for us.
That walk to Jerusalem, every step a step toward the cross always in plain view, is one of the finest examples of heroism in all history.
Let us not forget why the walk was taken. That cross meant salvation and eternal salvation for millions of lost souls. Love was the heart of that heroism. Jesus pressed on with intense urgency because the accomplishment of His mission would be life for the world and glory for the Father.
We ought to bow our heads in reverence as we see Jesus advancing towards His cross; it was for our sakes He set His face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem. Praise the Lord.