It’s Praise Time
“But about midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the [other] prisoners were listening to them…” Acts 16:25
In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were locked in Prison for casting out a demon from a slave girl. They did a good thing, and rather than being commended, they were punished.
Imagine being beaten and publicly disgraced for following God’s instruction!
As if that was not enough, they get locked in prison without a trial and with criminals just because they set a possessed slave girl free from demonic oppression.
However, in all this, Brother Paul and Brother Silas didn’t complain or grumble. Rather they went into worship mode and raised their voices in praise to God. It was not even in hushed tones but in loud and bold joyous session of worship, right in the prison.
You would have thought that they will be sober and rather reflect on their life and purpose, and wait to worship and praise after their deliverance from prison or after their breakthrough.
Not Paul and Silas!
Gratitude is an attitude. An attitude of those who are secure in their identity no matter the circumstances.
Remember the Israelites too, they walked around with their horns and trumpets for seven days, then the great wall of Jericho came crashing down at their praise chant on the seventh day. Joshua 6.
Remember that also, Jesus gave thanks over the five loaves and two fish before the multiplication happened. Luke 9:16, Matthew 14:19.
The truth is that, as a believer, your purpose is on a trajectory of success when you put your praise on it.
Be Grateful to God, in Him you are secure forever. Amen