Make Prayer Your Habit
“After He had sent them away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone” Matthew 14:23
This verse of Scripture gives us an idea of our Lord’s devotional habits. How he usually spent time alone with God in places without distractions, where He often spent whole nights in communion with the Father. Luke 6:12
Our Lord’s example teaches us that we should spend much time in devotion. Much more than activities for God should be our time alone with Him.
We should not go through life prayerlessly. We should not be so careless with our lives. We should not allow a day to pass without us spending time in the Word of God
because there can be no meaningful Christian life without much time spent alone with God.
Every tree has a root, which people do not see, which has no beauty, but which in secret, in the darkness, performs service for the tree, without which the tree cannot live. What the root is to the tree, that is what the Christian’s secret devotional life is to the external and visible life which the world sees.
Our spiritual flourishing and fruitfulness is only in proportion to the earnestness and the intensity of our devotional life.
Our Lord Jesus’ example teaches us the importance of regular habits of praying.
Although some people say that praying should be spontaneous and that having specific times and places make it formal and take the life out of it, but we are such creatures of habit that if we do not pray at regular times each day we shall very soon realise that we do not pray at all. But if we always go to our closets at the same time, our devotions will become part of our daily life, and we will never live a day without our moments of prayer. If our Lord’s holy life required regular habits of prayer and communion, how much more do our broken, imperfect lives require the same.
“Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.” Mark 1:35