Remain Watchful
“Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” Revelations 16:15
This unique passage in Revelation has a warning and a blessing.
The first part of this verse was a warning about the suddenness of the Lord’s return as He is coming as a thief to the world, not anticipating His return.
The second part of this passage was in reference to the duties of the priesthood in the days of the Temple.
The Levities were in charge of keeping the Temple holy, day and night.
Throughout the evening, the captain of the guard would make his rounds to make sure that those who were assigned watched attentively so that no one would defile the Temple during the night.
If a watchman was found sleeping, one of the punishment was to be beaten and then he is stripped of his garments so that he had to return home naked in his shame!
It’s hard to imagine any believer sleeping at this hour! There is a sense of urgency as the days grow darker. Let us seize this time, and recognize the great opportunity we have to share the gospel to a world more ready to receive it.
You are one of today’s watchmen!
As the world gets darker, continue to shine His light with love, and be blessed as you continue to watch!