Room For Only One God
“For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.” 1 Chronicles 16:26
In September 2015, a giant statue of an elephant-headed Hindu god collapsed on a crowd of worshippers in India. It happened in Hyderabad – 1,500km south of the capital New Delhi – at a religious festival known as Immersion Day, during which the deity Ganesh is immersed in water.
A video shows a large group of revelers gathering to see the giant elephant-headed idol.
Moments later, people start to scream as the statue begins to tilt and then fall right smack into the crowd.
The statue got entangled in electrical wires. When the festival organizers tried to untangle the wires, the statue crashed first into a building and then fell upon the worshippers.
The Ganesh idol, the Hindu deity of success and good fortune, killed one and hurt three others.
That to which your heart clings is your god, but, there is only one God, the Maker of Heaven and earth.
Confess any sin of idolatry and love of things.
Choose to rather love and follow Jesus with your whole heart.
“Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.” 1 Corinthians 10:14