Take Heed
‘Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them” Deuteronomy 11:16
Ritual sacrifice was the initial form of prayer as we read in the old testament. The sacrifice took place on an altar. Before each sacrifice, the priests had to clear the ashes from the altar and carry them outside the Temple. (Leviticus 6:8)
The priests need to clear away the ashes because a flame burns brighter when there are no ashes underneath.
This is also true with us, our lives shine brighter when the ashes (the residue of the past) are cleared away.
As simple as this sounds, it is not so easily imbibed. Many times we remember previous offences, abuses and grudges more clearly than words of affection and appreciation.
Yet, if we dwell on the ashes (the past), we will miss the beauty of the light. If we continue to hold on to grudges and think of regrets instead of opportunities, we overlook the presence of blessings.
Confession to God, on the other hand, allows us to begin again and make today count. You cannot heal what is hidden, but when you expose it to God by confession, you bring it into the light, where it can be healed.
Keep asking God, “What can I do now?” His plans and purposes will continue to unfold.
Guilt and shame can only keep us trapped in cages of anxiety and depression, but the only consistent way to find rest from these cages is to keep our hearts clean through confession, release, and forgiveness.
Take heed! Confession is the gateway to freedom. Freedom is the beauty of forgiveness.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23
To live life to the full as God’s child, forget and clear away sin, grudges, offences, and regrets. Press forward with expectation in full assurance of faith.