The Lord Is Righteous
“The Lord is righteous in all His ways and faithful in all He does.” Psalm 145:17
The more we know God, the more we worship Him and become more like Him.
God wants to have a personal relationship with us, and He invites us to spend time with Him and learn more about who He is.
God is not a distant God; He is near.
To be righteous is to act in accordance with divine or moral law: to be free from guilt or sin, or to be morally right or justifiable.
In all that God does and in all that He is, He is righteous. He is perfect and free from sin and guilt.
He created everything, so He is the one who set the standards that we are to live by. We can only become righteous and live a righteous life by following Him and His ways.
Jesus is the only perfect and righteous One. That is how He was able to pay the price for all of our sins. When we declare that He is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we are covered in His righteousness.
We cannot live a righteous life on our own strength.
Righteousness is not just about what we do or how religious we may seem. It is about the posture of our hearts.
God can see our hearts; He knows our intentions, motives, and every thought.
To live a righteous life, we must first learn to worship Him, and then let everything else we do flow from that heart of worship. We must depend on the Holy Spirit and realize that our righteousness does not come from us, but we are found righteous in Him and in Him alone.