The Stone Rolled Away
“They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back. – Mark 16:3-4
In this, we are all alike. For even these holy women on this very sacred errand went ahead of themselves to borrow trouble. There was a stone in the way that must be rolled aside, and they knew that by their strength they couldn’t roll it away. Naturally enough, they began to be anxious as to the removal of this obstacle. However, when they came near they saw that the obstacle had been already removed!
The Divine Love of God had gone ahead of them in preparing the way. Angels had rolled the stone aside!
The lesson is very simple and beautiful. We go forward worrying about the difficulties that lie before us, wondering how we can ever get through them, or who will remove them out of our way. Then when we come up to them we find that they are gone. Someone has been there before us and has taken them away!
God always opens the way of duty for us if we quietly move on.
As we make up our minds to follow Jesus as not just as our Saviour but as our Lord, we find that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the hard tasks ahead become easy, and the heavy burdens grow light.
As we go on, the commandment is easy, and a gateway is opened in the wall.
Love and faith always have an advance of angels to roll away stones. The practical lesson is, that we are never to hesitate nor shrink back because obstacles seem to lie before us; we are to go right on, and God will take them away for us. When He wants us to go anywhere He will open the path for our feet. Knowing this, we should go on feeling confident of our own safety.